Friday, August 27, 2010

Marvelous Things

25w2d now! Time flies. Natalie is getting stronger! She kicks every day now, but not always as hard. She might like Fall Out Boy, but her favorite should be Eisley for as much as I've been playing them for her. Definitely my fave thing to listen to at night and whenever I want to sing to her it's Marvelous Things. ::Dark night, hold tight, and sleep tight, My baby. Morning light shall burst bright, And keep us here safely::

I don't really have anything new to update. My sleeping pattern is totally messed up because I am really tired but can't fall asleep. I was seriously up until 6somethingam before work at 8 on Wednesday. Messed up. Right now its 4am and I guess I am just gonna sleep in with Seth--he's not even home from work yet. Hopefully any minute...

Monday, August 23, 2010

She likes Fall Out Boy...

Seth just felt Natalie move for the first time! Twice! And he played her Fall Out Boy after 2 other bands and she moved. Yay!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


That's all I got.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Seth and I went to Souper!Salad! for lunch today. :) It was yummmmmyyyy. After lunch, I wanted to see if I could find a couple of maternity shirts because I feel like my bump is getting bigger and I dont have as much cute stuff to wear. SO, we walked to Old Navy and their maternity section SUCKED so we looked at baby stuff! I bought the cutest swimsuit with a little tutu and 5 shirts and 2 onesies for less than 30 dollars.

Then we went to Target, since I didn't find anything for me at Old Navy and we got two shirts and a gallon of milk. Yummm. When we were in line to check out the lady in front of me had 2 boys and they were bein loud and messing with each other and stuff...neither of us said anything but I guess she realized I was pregnant and turned to us and said, "Are you ready for this?", she asked if I know what I'm having and I told her and she said she has 4 boys! Ahhhhh! I know I wanted a boy but I would never dream of having four! Haha, anyways, just writing that here because that was the first time I have been out and someone asked me about being pregnant or something. I'm sure I'll get sick of it, but I reallllllly just feel FAT. Hahaha btw. Natalie is starting to move quite a bit at night. She kicks SOOOO low- it tickles!

Since, I posted the clothes we bought today I'm also gonna post a picture or some of the other super cute clothes we have for her. The red shirt is the favorite that Kris gave us...the jeans that go with it are there too but I put something over it :( One of the sleepers Seth's Nana got us and one my sis got us.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

23wk Appointments

So we had 2 appointments yesterday. At 2:30 I went in and had another ultrasound. The doctor called me about a week and a half ago and scheduled it, when I asked why she said it was because the stomach was dilated and they needed to get more measurements to see why. WELL, I get to the ultrasound and the tech says something like, "Okay, so hopefully we'll get some more measurements and a better look at baby's brain and see that the cyst is gone." and I was like HOLD UP... my nurse DID NOT say anything about a cyst anywhere...THE BRAIN. So that totally freaked me out and I was PISSED and cried a bit. She kept asking me questions and I did NOT want to talk to her. Anyways, so I didn't really enojoy the ultrasound because I was freaking out about that; but then the doctor came in and said that there was nothing there and the stomach was also fine. I guess it was just a developmental thing that she grew out of. Everything looks great, they said, so that is a big relief.

Then I had an appointment at 3:30 with my doctor. It took a while for her to get in but everything was good there too. Natalie's heartbeat was a steady 153bpm. She weighs about 1.7lbs. I've gained a total of 10 lbs so far. My blood pressure was even better than last time. My doctor says everything looks great. She didn't even have any "lectures" for me. Haha, not that she usually does. I have the one hour glucose test next time. So that will be a longer appointment.

We also talked to the doctor, VERRRRY shortly, about elective induction. Not that it's close enough now to know anything, but Seth will be training the end of October, beginning of November and most of December, with some time off around Christmas, I think. With all of that going on he pretty much will be gone after October. It's hard to explain but pretty much unless the baby is born more than a week early on her own, he probably won't be here for it. Knowing this is my first, and if genetics have anything to do with it... we can hope she will be LATE. It sucks to hope that though because most women are totally ready for the baby to come before 40weeks -- if not way sooner. :] From what it looks like right now unless he takes leave or if I schedule an induction in the 40th week or so, he won't be here. Which REALLY sucks, the thought of going through that without him makes me cry every time, like even typing this out. But, it is what it is. We will just have to see. She's going to come when she's ready whether Daddy is there or not. I'm just glad that he will get to meet her before he goes to Afghanistan.

So, that's about it for now. Hopefully I will get a 23wk picture up tomorrow. But I work in the morning and we have to go set up TriCare Prime because it is already 90days before Seth starts active duty and I really need to get insurance situated right now because I could have like 3 and I need to make a Drs appointment for my leg.

Monday, August 9, 2010


So I had a dream last night that I had the baby... they didnt tell me anything about her or how she was doing and apparently I had her early. She was about 3 inches long-- but everyone acted like it was no big deal. They didn't bring her to me and I had to ask to see her. When I did, they told me it would be about 5-7 days until I could take her home, so I held her at the hospital and stuff. It was like she was a little animal or something because of what they were keeping her in, it had a door at the bottom but was completely covered and then she could go up to the top with the blankets. I guess I had a really easy labor, but I didn't know if I had any meds and I didn't remember ANYTHING. So weird. Anyway, I was holding her in the hospital and stuff and I had to leave her there. But, I checked out and got home and realized I was still holding her! There were people all over-- we went to my moms house. People from church and stuff and my mom kept telling me for the special occasion I was supposed to wear black. I was so confused! Then I had to take her back to the hospital and she was normal size! [End Dream]


So, I have the ultrasound to see why Baby Natalie's stomach is big and then a regular checkup with my doctorrrrr. Weeee. It's gonna be a big day.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

22 weeks!

I've been meaning to update for like, EVER. I suppose tomorrow I will post 21 & 22 week photos. Everything is going well I suppose. I wish I was feeling le baby a bit more. I definitely feel her, but I want Seth to be able to and to put my hand on my belly and feel her. I usually feel it when I am standing or sitting quietly; at my last appointment my doc said I should definitely feel her by the next appointment (which is MONDAY).

Also, my nurse called last Wednesday or Thursday and told me they had scheduled an ultrasound right before the appointment Monday because at my ultrasound July 15 the baby's stomach was dilated so they are going to take more measurements to see why. Did some research and from what I've found it could be gestational diabetes, baby's bowel problem or she could be really fat.

I've been having some weird sensations/pains in my leg. Seriously, only one area of it but it is so weird! When I cough or sneeze sometimes it gets really tingly and then feels like my muscle is tearing. It is the weirdest thing. Going to make an appointment for that with a regular doctor I suppose. Apparently that could be diabetes or spinal/nerve problems of some kind. Or just weird preggo shiz. We'll see.

Everything other than that has been ok. Went to Tallequah to float the river over the weekend and it was soooo much fun! Only got sunburned a tiny bit so that's great! Hope I have a great weekend this weekend too!