Wednesday, August 4, 2010

22 weeks!

I've been meaning to update for like, EVER. I suppose tomorrow I will post 21 & 22 week photos. Everything is going well I suppose. I wish I was feeling le baby a bit more. I definitely feel her, but I want Seth to be able to and to put my hand on my belly and feel her. I usually feel it when I am standing or sitting quietly; at my last appointment my doc said I should definitely feel her by the next appointment (which is MONDAY).

Also, my nurse called last Wednesday or Thursday and told me they had scheduled an ultrasound right before the appointment Monday because at my ultrasound July 15 the baby's stomach was dilated so they are going to take more measurements to see why. Did some research and from what I've found it could be gestational diabetes, baby's bowel problem or she could be really fat.

I've been having some weird sensations/pains in my leg. Seriously, only one area of it but it is so weird! When I cough or sneeze sometimes it gets really tingly and then feels like my muscle is tearing. It is the weirdest thing. Going to make an appointment for that with a regular doctor I suppose. Apparently that could be diabetes or spinal/nerve problems of some kind. Or just weird preggo shiz. We'll see.

Everything other than that has been ok. Went to Tallequah to float the river over the weekend and it was soooo much fun! Only got sunburned a tiny bit so that's great! Hope I have a great weekend this weekend too!

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